Wednesday, February 23, 2011


  1. When people see you lying down, with your eyes closed they still ask:-
    Are you sleeping?
    A: No! I'm training to die!

    2. Imagine when you take an electronic equipment to a technician to get it

    ...fixed and he still asks you:- Need it to be fixed?
    A: No, it got bored of staying home alone so I brought It over for a ride.
    3. When It's raining and someone notices you going out, they ask: - Are
    you going out in this rain?
    A: No, in the next one.
    4. When you wake up, then comes an idiot asking you: - You Awake?
    A: No. I'm sleep walking!
    5. Your friend calls your home phone:- Where are you?
    A: At the bus stop!


  1. TEACHER ASKING IN CLASS"are you trying to sleep in class'

  2. If it was raining outside and u fell and sum1 asks u 'What happened?'. Just answer. 'I thought about my childish years and then i decided to play in the mud.

  3. someone wearing scandalously and wen u look at them they ask why ur lukn at them.just answer"i thot i saw an accident"

  4. this is super cool .lol

  5. i lyk!i lyk i lyk!i lyk!

  6. Wayo!!!! Hahahahahahah.....but y is it that ppl ask such questions? Thou smtymms its unconscious!

  7. teacher; are you chewing gum
    student;am john peterson

  8. 1. They see you wet coming from the bathroom:- Did you just have a bath?
    A: No, I fell in the toilet bowl!8-|

    2. You are standing right in front of the elevator on the ground floor and they ask:- Going up?
    A: No, no, I am waiting for my apartment to come down and get me.>:O >:O >:O

    3. Your boyfriend comes to your house with a bunch of flowers. And you still ask him:- are those Flowers?
    A: No baby! They Carrots.:*

    4. You're in the toilet when someone knocks on the door asking: - Is anyone in there?
    A: No! The SHIT is talking to you!:D?

    5. You're on the queue to buy tickets @ the cinema, a friend saw u & ask:- what are u doing here?
    A: I'm here to pay my school fees

  9. these are lame as eff

  10. Did you catch that fish?
    A: No, I talked him into giving himself up.
