Sunday, January 9, 2011

things you neva want to hear during ur surgery

1. Wait a minute. If this is his spleen, then what's that?
2. Hand me that...uh...whatever its called.
3. Accept this sacrifice O Great Lord of Darkness
4. Bo! Bo! Come back with that! Bad dog!
5. Better save that. We'll need it for the autopsy.
6. Oops! Hey, has anyone ever survived 500ml of this stuff before?
7. You know...there's big money in kidneys...and this guy's got two of them.
8. Could you stop that thing from beating? Its throwing my concentration off.
9. I hate it when they're missing stuff in here.
10. That's cool! Now, can you make his leg twitch?
11. You sure it wasn't this leg?
12. What do you mean you want a divorce?!
13. Fire! Fire! Everyone out!
14. Damn! Page 47 of the manual's missing!

Damn. If I ever woke up in the middle of a surgery and heard any of these.

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